Friday, April 27, 2012


Introduction: My daughter, Quinn, is 4 years old. Being so young, she hasn't quite grasped what we'll call conventional logic. This is not to say she does not order the world in some logical way - I can proudly say she has developed her own unique way of making sense of her surroundings. Every now and then she is able to express that logic in such a profound way that I understand her thinking process. I've recorded these insightful utterances in a column of sorts on Facebook with the sort of regularity you'd expect from a young child and an uber busy dad. I will recall the events surrounding the statement ("context") as best I can, but most of these are over a year old as of this writing (4/26/2012). A few notes on format: Q was 3 or 4 when she said most of these. Anyone who has a child can tell you that, at that age, the world is divided into 'me' and everyone else; to illustrate this paradigm, conversations take place between 'Q' (Quinn) and PnQ (Person not Quinn - usually me). As previously mentioned I'll provide as much background info ('context') as I can recall (or make up :) ). I will also add how I think her mind came up with that particular bit of information (I shall title this portion 'CalQulation' - pretty clever huh?).

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